"I feel like this blog has suffered from a bit of mission creep lately. Know this: I am still really, really dedicated to eating and loving stuff. Case in point: I realized recently that you can improve almost any savory food by frying a shallot in butter and salt til it’s brown and crispy, draining the shallot on a paper towel, then sprinkling it on top (of whatever).
Here the shallot adorns a pile of rosemary mashed potatoes, some braised kale, and a poached egg. Don’t you wish your boy-or-girlfriend made lunch like me?"
text and photo via (thingsiatethatilove)
in other news of things that i love:

miniature cupcakes of all varieties from Baked by Melissa. particularly adore the quarter used for sizing reference. que linda! and thank you to taste-twin Meg for the tip-off.
Let's just say that I cracked up at the labels on your post. Fucking winter, indeed. Sheesh!
But boy, do I love eggs for lunch--or dinner. Not so much for breakfast. But with frizzled shallots on top, a winner for sure. (I had a poached egg on succotash today for lunch!)
sufferin' succotash (borrowed from above), cassie! this is such a great idea, i can't wait to try it with my earth balance 'butter' and find out that it doesn't work!! and that alcohol totally takes the sting out of not being able to eat real cheese! friday night! yeah!!!
Hi, I found your blog! I really appreciated the feedback on my project, I'm going to take your advice and make it simpler, I'd love any help on fleshing out ideas if you have time ;) zapatita@gmail.com
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