You Will Need:
1/2 can of tuna
2 Slices Rye Bread
Handful of Pea Shoots, coarsely chopped
A Few Slices Tomato
A Few Slices Onion
A Few Slices Cucumber
Lemon Juice, Black Pepper, Ginger Powder (to taste)
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. mustard
To Make:
Mix the tuna and the tbsp of olive oil in a small bowl, well enough so that the tuna is coated and cohesive. Then mix in a dash of lemon juice, black pepper, and ginger powder.Only the faintest touch of the ginger is necessary, mind you. It's mostly the lemon juice and black pepper that will make good company for the tuna taste. Stir everything up nice, then smash it down onto one slice of mustard-slathered rye bread. Pile your tomato, cucumber, and onion on top of the meat. Then comes the finishing touch: a pile of chopped pea shoots. Smash the other piece of rye bread down over the whole she-bang and immediately transfer the finished product to some kind of holding cell (plastic lunch bag, tin foil--whatever is your preferred method of food transportation). Viola! LUNCH!
my secret ingredients are dill and paprika... not so secret anymore!
i like to mix chopped up spring onion into my tuna, and in high school i found the weird yet wonderful combination of putting cheese doritos on my tuna as became known as the bad breath sandwich.
I usually heavily spice mine with a ton of curry and face with tomatoes, red onion, and sunflower sprouts on top. I'm gonna try yours next.
rachel! i'm ripping you off for your recipe. that shit sounds goooood. will you make me your cheeze-it mac n cheese dish some day? ive tried to do it so many times and it never works for me.
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